‘Tis the Season for Site Visits! The Write Choice Network is currently working on several of our clients upcoming HRSA Operational Site Visits and with a number of OSVs under our belt everything is moving along smoothly.
There are things we have noticed when at Site Visits stemming from the release of the Site Visit Protocol and HRSA Compliance Manual and we share these tips and tricks with our clients. We noticed the issuing of the Site Visit Protocol and Compliance Manual prompted heightened anxiety for FQHCs preparing for an OSV. However, these documents have standardized the process and requirements for Site Visits. There is less ambiguity and the HRSA Consultants are more than helpful and accommodating during the process. Every OSV we have attended has been a complete success! The overall number of Not Mets has been reduced for our clients and the findings have been minor and easily remedied. At every site visit we attend our clients are commended for their organization and preparation for the OSV.
Of course, it could just be us at The Write Choice Network who have a blast at OSVs and get super enthusiastic about HRSA Compliance, but we doubt it! We are conducting a number of staff and board trainings this summer and our goal is to get everyone as excited as we are about HRSA OSVs! At the end of each of these trainings everyone is learning, laughing, and even ENJOYING themselves! It takes a very secure FQHC to admit they love HRSA Compliance and Operational Site Visits but we get there.
For those clients who are breathing sighs of relief because their OSV is over – we are so proud of you! The great work you do on a daily basis shined through at your site visit and you did an amazing job! For those clients who are still in the preparation stages – we’ll get through this together, keep up the good work, and we promise to make it as helpful and enjoyable as possible…(yes its possible).